After quitting our jobs, selling our furniture, saying goodbye to our dear families and friends and the wonderful city of Austin, TX, we have set out to travel the world, or at least as much of it as we can. We hope our experiences and photos reach everyone back home.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Big News...

Ola everyone from Brasil! We are currently in Curritiba, a medium-sized city that we have stopped off at on our way to Rio de Janiero. We just passed through the Iguazu Falls and they were absolutely gorgeous. The waterfalls were amazing and the lush greenery reminded me a lot of Hawaii. I really wish we were able to post our photos, but those will have to wait, possibly until we get back to our laptops.

Now for the big news...we are engaged!! Yes, Mike proposed at the Falls and I (who was completely surprised) of course said yes. We wish we could tell all of you personally, but since the computer is our main source of communication, this will have to do.

Hope everyone is doing well. Brasil is incredible and we are managing to make it by considering how hilarious our Portuguese´s very different from Spanish and hardly anyone speaks English, but no worries!

More to come when we get to Rio (hopefully from a beach with fruity drinks in hand)!!


Blogger WillWorkForFood said...

Awesome news!

12:46 PM

Blogger Tim said...


1:48 PM


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